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 Science & Technology Councils

 Village Information System 

 Outreach Activities

 Regional Centre, Kalaburagi

 Patent Information Centre

 Student Project Program (SPP)

Research Articles

Virtual Laboratory (E-Learning) Centres

Essays on Bangalore

 National Mathematics Day

 National Space Day

Karnataka Digital Heritage

 SC - ST Cell

State Awards for Scientists and Engineers

Faculty Project Program (FPP)


Current Activities

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Ongoing Projects and
Programmes of the Council

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KSCST : Overview

The Karnataka State Council of Science and Technology (KSCST) was established in 1975. The reason behind the establishment of the state S&T Council was to undertake development activities related to improving the standard of living of the people of the state, especially for the people in the rural areas.

The 54-member Council is an autonomous body. The General Body and the Executive Committee are constituted by the Government of Karnataka once in three years and the Chief Minister of the State chairs the General Body of the Council. The Hon'ble Minister of Science and Technology will be the Vice-Chairman and the Director of the Indian Institute of Science is one of the Vice-Chairmen of the Council and he is the Chairman of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee reviews the administrative and technical activities of the Council from time to time and makes recommendations.

KSCST's main objective is to identify the applications of science and technology necessary for the development of the state and formulate policies, plans and programs related to science and technology, initiate new project and programmes and coordinate successful programs for the development of the state with various departments of the state government, and implement the programs.

To achieve the objectives, the Council has chosen the main areas for research and development activities such as industry, information technology, agriculture, water, energy, environmental protection, health, education, popularization of science at various levels. The Council has taken several projects from research and demonstration stage to implementation and operationalization in the last four and half decades.

The fact that the Council operates in the premises of the Indian Institute of Science is largely responsible for the success of the Councils various programs that take science and technology to the masses in the state. It will create an environment conducive to linkages and collaborations with scientists from the Indian Institute of Science and will also create linkages with scientists at leading research institutes, universities in Bengaluru and in other parts of the state.

Karnataka State Science and Technology Council is one of the first among all State Science and Technology Councils established in the country. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India advocated KSCST as a model to all the states. In 1981, 6 years after the establishment of the Council, the Karnataka State Government initiated the Department of Science and Technology.

During its existence over the last four and half decades, the Council has undertaken several successful projects and programs in collaboration with the Government and the scientific community and has collaborated with other organizations to undertake them. Energy for cooking and lighting, drinking water, agriculture, education, Alternative Building Technology, Student Project Programme for Engineering and Post Graduate students, Rainwater Harvesting Technology, Traditional Water Harvesting System, Intellectual Property Rights, Natural Resources Data Management Centers at District Level (NRDMS Centre), Village Information System, Karnataka Digital Heritage, E-Learning Centers for High School and PUC Students, Digital Literacy System in High Schools, Center for Excellence - Cyber Security, Center for Excellence in Aerospace and Defense Sector, etc., are among the many successful projects / programmes of the Council.

These projects and programmes play a vital role in overall development of the state, poverty alleviation and improvement in quality of life.


Vision :

Application of Science & Technology for the management of resources, improvement of environment, quality of life and socio-economic conditions of the people of Karnataka.


* ~ * ~ *


Co-ordinate R & D activities for generation of knowledge for scientifically based interventions, development and popularization of appropriate technologies for adaptation by the civil society to overcome local-specific problems. Inspire and improve human resources of the S&T sectors in the state.



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Student Project Programme

Details of Receipt of Utilization Certificate and Statement of Expenditure (UC/SE), Softcopy of Project Completion Report for 44th, 45th, 46th and 47th Series Student Project Programme as on 2 January 2025

Note: It is noted that few institutions have not submitted the Utilisation Certificate (UC) and softcopy of the project report. The details is posted in the above link in this website. It is informed to arrange to send the hardcopy of the UC at the earliest.

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Copyright : Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology