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Important : Please read the guidelines to carryout the project.


The following are the guidelines to carryout the project work:

a. The project shall be performed based on the objectives of the proposal sent by you.

b. The project shall be completed in all respects and the Project Completion Report (Final report) has to be sent in SOFTCOPY ONLY (SINGLE PDF FILE) by uploading the project report in the Google Form after completing the project within 30th June 2024.

The link for updating the P
roject Completion Report is : https://forms.gle/Mi446v1U5fdFcMD99.
The pdf file shall mandatorily include the project completion certificate duly signed by the Project Guide and Head of the institution regarding completion of the project. The SPP Co-ordinator shall take relevant steps to submit the completed project reports and submission of Utilisation Certificate to KSCST for the funds released to your institution.

The Synopsis and Project Completion Report softcopy must be named with Reference ID provided by KSCST (Eg: 47S_BE_0001_Synopsis or 47S_BE_0001_Full_Report).

Any change in the project title and objectives, etc., or students is liable to rejection of the project and the amount sanctioned needs to be returned back to KSCST.

c. Every project has been provided with Reference Number. Please quote the project sanctioned reference number in all your future correspondences. Any corrections with respect to the names of the guide and students should be requested at spp@kscst.org.in

d. Important: KSCST will be conducting mid-term evaluation of projects during third week of May 2024 onwards through online mode. It is necessary to send 2 to 3 page write-up in MS Word format. (synopsis needs to be sent by uploading the synopsis of your project in the Google Form. The link for updating the synopsis is https://forms.gle/6s8hq5XbScsBMv3G9  and need to be sent consisting of the following points with the approval of the Project Guide.

1. Title of the project

2. Name of the College & Department

3. Name of the Students & Guide(s) (with email id and cell no. if any)

4. Keywords

5. Introduction / background (with specific reference to the project, work done earlier, etc) - about 20 lines

6. Main objectives of the project (about 10 lines)

7. Methodology (about 30 lines) (materials, methods, details of work carried out, including drawings, diagrams etc).

8. Results and Conclusions (about 20 lines with specific reference to work carried out)

9. Scope for future work (about 20 lines).

e. Projects for state-level Seminar / Exhibition will be selected during online midterm evaluation and will be intimated.

The sanctioned amount will be sent separately by KSCST to the college in the name of the principal by NEFT transfer. The details of transaction number and date will be intimated / published in this website.

It is noticed that few institutions has not submitted the utilisation certificate and statement of expenditure (UC / SE) for the amount released under 44th series, 45th series and 46th series of SPP. Hence, the amount will not the released to those institutions who have not submitted the UC. Please refer to the list of institutions not submitted the UC.

It is informed to submit the UC at the earliest to initiate release of the sanctioned amount.

The details of Receipt of Utilization Certificate and Statement of Expenditure (UC/SE), Softcopy of Project Completion Report for 44th, 45th and 46th Series Student Project Programme as on date is published in this link.

Other Guidelines / information

  • The sponsored projects evaluation will be held in Online mode (During May / June 2024) and will be intimated to the SPP Co-ordinators and project team leaders.

  • It is mandatory for a sponsored project to demonstrate their project outcomings at the Nodal Centre / Online mode.

  • The date of evaluation will be communicated to the SPP Co-ordinator of respective engineering colleges / institution / university and will also be announced in the website.

  • Participation in the online evaluation process and submission of softcopy of the synopsis, final project completion report and submission of utilisation certificate for all the projects sanctioned to the institution is mandatory, failing to which the sanctioned project will be withdrawn from the list and sanctioned amount shall be returned to KSCST.

  • The project has to be completed in all respects and synopsis as per the format indicated above (in MS Word format) and Project Completion Report (PCR), (Final, in single pdf file) to be upladed in the Google Form. The link of the Google Form is given above. Last date for uploading the PCR is 30th June 2024.

  • Any change in the project title and objectives, etc., or students is liable for rejection of the project and the
    amount sanctioned needs to be returned back to KSCST.

  • After completing all the Projects and submission of Project Completion Reports, the SPP Co-ordinator nominated by the College / institution shall send the hard copy of Utilization certificate (UC), Statement of Expenditure (SE) to KSCST by Speed Post (During August 2024).

Format for preparing utilisation certificate
(to be prepared and printed in the institution letterhead)

For more details if any, please contact :

Executive Secretary, KSCST

Email: spp@kscst.org.in


Mr. K. N. Venkatesh

Program Co-ordinator - SPP

Senior Project Engineer, KSCST

Email: knv@kscst.org.in


Mrs. Anjani

Project Engineer, KSCST

Email: anjani@kscst.org.in



47th Series of SPP (2023 - 2024)


Click here to view sponsored project details (pdf format) with NEFT Transaction details for the released amount.

Note: Kindly be informed that KSCST has not released the sanctioned amount to certain institutions in the above list. This is due to the pending submission of the utilization certificate and statement of expenditure from previous years.



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This page was updated on : Friday, July 19, 2024 03:40 PM