Conservation of Bamboo Resources in Karnataka

The once abundant bamboo resources of the state of Karnataka have been found to be declining rapidly. With the result the paper industry and the rural consumers are hard hit, and thus a need for rational utilisation of resources arises. Although a lot of work on utilisation and silvicultural aspects of bamboo has been carried out, little has been done on the ecological aspects. The ecological information of bamboo growing in natural conditions were studied.
The study has led to the following recommendations :

a. An integrated approach in the management of bamboo resources of the Western Ghats of peninsular India, should be evolved.

b. Monitoring of the natural regeneration of bamboo, should be undertaken.

c. Increasing the length of extraction cycles to atleast 4-9 years, should be attempted.

d. Retention of culm branches of the clump during extraction, should be enforced.

e. A check on the excessive exploitation of resources, should be maintained.
